Friday, March 19, 2010

Mind Your Own Business Trip

Wanna know a secret? I mean, THE secret to accompanying your hubs on a business trip with two small children? We've gone on our fair share of "vacations" with Skyler, because the trip is practically free. Hotel is paid for, gas is paid for, food is paid for, etc. The only problem is the room is just that--one little room. Not a suite with an extra little room attached for little ones to go to bed at 8:00 and be uninterrupted or tempted to do what the mommy and daddy are doing. We've tried and failed miserably at putting our boys to bed then climb into our bed and turn the TV on without a little one standing up in the pack and play refusing to go to sleep. In a perfect world, the boys would lay perfectly still and not make a peep as to let their vacation happy mama enjoy being in a hotel where she doesn't have to worry about cheez-its being crunched into the floor, doing dishes, or cleaning bathrooms--because someone, for once, is actually going to clean up after her! In a perfect world.

You see, the problem with going with Skyler on his business trips with E and T is the fact that at night he has things he has to work on and also needs to get a decent amount of sleep. Well, when you have a 3 year old asking non-stop, "what are you doing? Can I do it? I don't want to go to sleep" and a 1 year old crying because he can see you and you are ignoring him, you don't get a whole lot done. There have been times where it would have been nice to go with Sky but he just couldn't justify the stress of traveling with toddlers when work is already stressful enough.

How do you guys travel with little ones?

I'm happy to say that I have found the answer to our traveling dilemma. How did I not think of this before? When the thought popped into my little head I swore I hit genius status. I remember feeling elated when, to my surprise, I got a 94% on my humanities final in college. This moment was SOO much better than that! Are you dying to know my secret? If you have already been doing this for years, please do not leave a comment. Let me believe that I just solved one of the biggest parenting dilemmas known to man. Applause is welcome. :)

Take a deep breath


Worked like a charm! Zipped 'em in and they were none the wiser to what was going on outside of that tent!

More on our trip to San Diego soon to come!


Katie and Victor said...

Very cute and creative! I love that idea.

Jessica said...

Love it! Will def give it a try... Whether its a business trip or not!

Jessi said...

pure genius!!!

Molly Rivera said...

Genius idea! I wanna know where you got that cute little tent, so I can get one!