Friday, May 23, 2008

New (BIG) Purchase!

Here it is....after a lot of research (and a few test drives that we borrowed from a friend)...we've decided to purchase the 2008 BOB Revolution 12" Duallie...

Why? You ask? Yep, you guessed it....there is going to be a new baby in the Black family. Ethan is going to be a very good BIG BROTHER to a LITTLE BROTHER!!!! I can't say that I wasn't maybe a little disappointed that it wasn't a girl--because I know it's going to be quite a few years before we have anymore children, but I really do just love little boys!!! It's also kind of nice being the only girl in the house--I get treated like a queen!! :-)

The BOB costs a little bit more than we wanted to spend, but hey, you get what you pay for and it is so important to have a good stroller! Plus, I really wanted to find a nice double stroller that would allow Ethan and his brother to sit side by side rather than front and back....

I'm about 4 months along--the baby is due November 13th and we are so excited to meet him! Skyler and I had agreed to hold off on telling people until we found out what we were having--and boy was it hard to keep this secret!!! Especially because I found out almost immediately after I actually got pregnant. How did I know? I had an INTENSE craving for mushrooms. And I HATE mushrooms! One night we ordered pizzas and Skyler always gets a cheese pizza with just mushrooms on it. We've been married for almost 2 1/2 years and I have NEVER had a piece of his pizza. Until about 4 months ago--I ate probably 3 or 4 slices of Sky's pizza and it tasted soooo good! The next night and the next night and the next night I made stuffed mushrooms, and it finally got to the point that I was just eating plain sauteed mushrooms!! Crazy, huh? So I knew way before I even took a pregnancy test that I was in fact, pregnant. Skyler and I weren't even really trying to get pregnant either--we had been talking about having another baby, but still wanted to wait a few months. The thing is, my birth control prescription of a year ran out the second week in February and I just didn't get around to seeing the doctor to refill my prescription...well, that ended up being our downfall--because I got pregnant the 3rd week in February!! I still can't believe how quickly it happened, but it was definitely supposed to happen. Anyway, I think I ate mushrooms for breakfast, lunch and dinner for about 5 weeks straight. Now I can't even look at a mushroom without wanting to puke! These pregnancy cravings are way more often and crazy than my pregnancy with Ethan--and my cravings usually happen in spurts. For example, for about 30 days, I ate an ice cream sandwich every single night after dinner. Lately, it's been soft pretzels dipped in cheese. I get one anytime I'm at the mall or Target. And I usually make an excuse to go to either place just for the stinkin pretzel!!! It really is bizarre.

Anyway, the baby looks healthy, and actually at the ultrasound today (we went to a 4D place) we got a picture of him smiling! He was moving around like crazy too. He did a 360 as we were watching was like he knew we were watching him and he had had enough, so slowly but surely he turned his back on us! Funny, huh? Ethan talks about the baby all the time too. It's always, "Mama has baby?" and "Baby in mama." I know he doesn't really understand what is going on, but it's still fun to hear him babbling about "baby."

By the way, this isn't actually a picture of our baby--just one I found on Google--our baby is WAAAAY cuter! :-)


Jessi, DJ, Annica and Eli said...

OH my gosh! This is to good of news for too much of a blog comment... but congratulations!! I am soo going to go call you!! YEAH!!!!!!

Rachael said...

I knew it. COngradulations Kelly. How exciting.