Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm a bad blogger!!!

Ok, so after weeks and weeks of not updating, I figured I would fill you in on what's going on around here. Not too much has changed with me or Skyler, although, busy season has pretty much come to an end--and I cannot tell you how relieved/happy I am to have my husband back!!! He was working like 15-16 hour days!! Sometimes longer!!! It was almost unbearable. But I guess that's the life of a CPA's wife!!! :-) I think when the big money starts rolling in-I'll be able to "cope" much better by occupying my time with a little retail therapy :-) Until then.......

Luckily I have such an awesome little man to spend my time with. He is 13 months old, and continues to amaze us with his intelligence!!! I'm gonna do a run down of new fun things that Ethan has started to do (and some fun pictures). In no specific order......

1. He's learning his ABC's! He has a little musical thing that goes on our fridge (thanks, Gramma Savage!) and also we watch Wheel of Fortune every night. He LOVES Wheel of Fortune! It's pretty funny because he will yell at the tv "E"! and "T"! And then he will look at us for approval.

2. He drives into the driveway with daddy. And he thinks this is sooo cool!

3. He knows that a cow says "moo" and a dog says "roof roof" and a cat says "meow."
4. He has gone potty on his big boy potty a few times already. The little girl that I watch is in the midst of being potty trained, and Ethan seemed interested and has done very well so far!

5. He knows how to open doors now. That means I have to watch him double time to keep him from throwing underwear in the toilet. At least he has the connection between big boy underwear and the toilet???

6. Loves the warm weather we've been having and likes to go out and ride around on our patio. He also likes to "collect" rocks as well as eat them.

7. He likes to see what mama is reading

8. He still continues to shove food in his mouth at insurmountable speed as though we are giving him a time limit....or never going to feed him again.

9. He is getting his back molars. Surprisingly, it was only a rough day or two. I know what he is going through-my wisdom teeth are breaking through my gums and it hurts like nobody's business. And I know what's going on! These poor babies that have no idea......
10. He loves to build blocks with his daddy. They play all evening!

11. He loves to take warm baths and snuggle when he's out.

12. He likes to help mama and daddy cook.

13. He loves to give kisses to random little girls at church. Ladies man already?? I think we're in trouble....
14. He is DEFINITELY a mama's boy--and I wouldn't have it any other way!!

15. We've recently had to remove the bumper from his crib because being the adventurous dare devil that he is--he was using it to climb out of his crib. Now we have to deal with his future-football-player-sized thighs getting stuck through the railings....

16. When I do sit ups or pilates on the floor, Ethan is my "personal trainer"--crawling all over me to add "resistance."
17. He loves to get into drawers, cupboards, cabinets, and basically everything that he is NOT supposed to be getting into.
18. He pretty much skipped walking and went straight for running.
19. Loves to walk around in his new GAP flip flops-even when we're home.
20. He has started expressing himself through little when the garage door opens he looks at me and goes, "huh!" Or when the microwave beeps, it's "ahh!" Pretty dang cute if you ask me!
21. When I ask "Who's hungry?" Ethan says, "MEEE!!!" He pretty much says that after anything I ask...."who wants to go to the park? Who wants to take a nap? Who wants to take a bath?"
22. Our ward was recently split, and our wonderful coveted time of 1:00 changed to 11:00--right in the middle of nap time!!! Most of the other little kids at church seem to get by on just goldfish or other little snacks. Not our little eater. We have to bring pasta noodles and cut up hot dogs!! Sometimes we'll even throw in a string cheese! :-) But trust me, bringing his "lunch" is a lot better than the alternative......
23. He has recently INSISTED on feeding himself with a fork or spoon. The problem is, he still isn't very good at it, so it turns out to be a huge mess! But, he really puts up a fight if I try to feed him myself....I just need to show him who's boss......
24. He calls me Kellie. He still calls me mama for the most part, but when he wakes up from his naps or in the mornings, he can be heard calling "Kellie!" from his crib. Skyler has told me that when I leave Ethan with him to run errands or have "me" time, when he hears the garage door open he says, "Kellie?!" I would probably put my foot down and insist that he calls me mom by not responding to Kellie, but he is just so stinkin cute when he says it.
25. He has pretend phone conversations with his daddy during the day on his cell phone.

Well, those are just a few that I could think of! Hope everybody had a good Sunday!!!


Jessi, DJ, Annica and Eli said...

oh Kellie... FINALLY!!! I check and check and check.. and nothing, then today to my happy surprise was this marvelous post.

Can just sak have you filled out his harvard applications yet?

Opening doors? going potty? since when did he get older than annica? SO cute! so smart! he looks like he is SO FUN!!

Your hair is getting long, it looks very pretty!! kel, is it ever wierd to you that we are moms? I can't believe for over a year your had little Ethan hanging around, and how much he has grown since I have seen him... seems like all of that should have taken longer. YOur a great mom kellie! Love you! and thanks for finally posting!!!

Valerie Housley said...

Yea, it's about time!!! What a fun post...all I can think is, "I'm going to be there in just a couple of months!!!"